Floorball WA has been successful in its application for funding from the Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries’ (DLGSC) 2021 Sports Development Fund and is seeking expressions of interest for the delivery of the below three projects:
- Review and development of governance structures and processes, including: board risk framework, including consequences matrix, board risk appetite and escalation processes; governance and decision-making structures, and development where required of focused subcommittees (incl. constitutions and delegations of authority); established expectations of Board member behaviour (incl. Board Code of Conduct), including duties arising from the Associations Incorporation Act, fiduciary responsibility, being a ‘fit and proper character’, and the proper use of association property and income; and an appropriate policy suite, including development of Match Fixing Policy and Privacy Policy.
- Implementation of the ‘Creating a child safe organisation’ (A self-assessment tool for Western Australia’s Arts, Cultural, Sporting and Community Organisations)’ and achievement of principles, including: review of Floorball WA’s existing child safe practices; review of Member Protection Policy and other applicable policies, including in respect to the Charter of Commitment to Children and Young People; the appointment of an FWA Committee Communications Officer, who will have as one of their responsibilities the engagement of young people and their families, and soliciting of their participation in decision-making; development of staff and volunteer engagement policy and practices which guides appropriate selection and appointment of individuals (including requirements for Working With Children Check clearance, and National Police Certificate where required), and full implementation of this policy and practices, including appropriate training and induction, and compliance and performance monitoring; reflection of a low tolerance for child safety risks in Floorball WA Committee’s risk system, and inclusion of both physical, verbal/social, and online risks to children; and inclusion of periodic review of child-safe policies and practices in Floorball WA Committee’s Work Plan.
- Development of a Governance Diversity and Inclusion Plan including: development, endorsement and approval of a preliminary Governance Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan that incorporates and extends on the DLGSC Achievement Plan for Floorball WA (Nov. 2020); inclusion in Floorball WA’s Operational Plan of KPI(s) to meet gender diversity targets, including quarterly review of the Governance Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan and DLGSC Women in Leadership Target; review the Governance Bodies Composition Matrix to ensure fit-for-purpose and achieves the above targets; investigation of the extension of term limits for Floorball WA Committee members to enable continuity of governance and retain experience and diversity across the Committee; develop a protocol for the use of the Committee’s power to appoint to casual vacancies under s.38 of its Constitution to meet Women in Leadership target where election alone does not achieve this, and investigate appointment of FWA Committee members outside of s.38 where required; review the Floorball WA Member Handbook to ensure appropriate explanation of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the governance body to achieve Floorball WA’s strategic objectives; review Floorball WA Committee’s annual self-evaluation processes to ensure appropriate self-review of progress toward gender diversity is included; improve association members’ understanding of the role of Committee, including by testimonials of current and previous Floorball WA Committee members, to promote diversity of applicants to the Committee; and develop or obtain training and development for board members on the benefits of diversity and inclusion to the association and its membership.
Applicants should submit an expression of interest and case for their appointment (one page maximum) to by Friday 30 July.