Call for Nominations!

The Floorball WA Committee (FWAC) is calling for nominations for appointment to the committee from suitable individuals who are passionate and dedicated to the betterment, growth and development of the sport of Floorball in Western Australia.

We are committed to diversity and inclusion in the pursuit of its objects, being the promotion and growth of floorball in WA, and providing avenues for new players and promoting a socially active lifestyle. Research suggests that the performance of organisations is correlated with the diversity of its governing board.  Floorball WA Committee can best provide for the Association’s objects by actively promoting diversity and inclusion within the sport and by demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion in its own composition and operations.

We measure our diversity on several dimensions (board experience & skills; floorball experience and skills; and board diversity), with the board diversity dimension assessing the board’s composition in terms of the proportion of women, individuals identifying as Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD), LGBTIQA+, according to age and geographic location (within Perth and regional), and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation. Targets are set for all categories and dimensions.

There are two positions that are available for FWAC to consider an appointment to, both with an initial term of 1st December 2023 until the next Floorball WA Annual General Meeting. 

Nominations for these positions will be open until 17:00 AWST on Friday 24th November 2023. Please note, that in accepting a position on the FWAC you will be required to:

  • adhere to all FWA values, policies, procedures and governing documents;
  • adhere to the requirements of being a committee member;
  • obtain / maintain a valid Western Australian Working with Children Check;
  • contribute to discussion;
  • actively participate in decision-making; and
  • the completion of tasks and projects related to furthering the organisation’s goals and objectives.

FWAC is particularly interested in individuals who identify that they have skills and or experience in the areas outlined below:

  • Project Management;
  • Operations and Logistics;
  • Grant Management;
  • Secretarial / Administration;
  • Risk Management / Regulatory Compliance / Law; or
  • High Performance Sport Development.

Please use the form below to submit your nomination:

Successful applicants will be contacted and advised of the invitation to be appointed to the FWAC on Monday 27th November 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need to know about governance, strategy, risk management and all that boring stuff?

No! For the most part, this is managed by the GRCF (Governance, Risk, Compliance and Finance) Subcommittee. If you’re interested in having a say and helping with the competitions that Floorball WA runs (like the Summer Competition), you can be on the Operations Subcommittee, and if you want to grow the sport, support officials, players, high-performance, and promote social floorball, then the Development Subcommittee is the place for you.

But what if I love the boring stuff?

GRCF is a safe space for people willing to admit they enjoy all things policy and process development, compliance, regulation and/or balance sheets!

Do I need to have board/committee experience?

While it would be advantageous to have some experience, it is not a requirement at all. In fact, FWA requires a diverse range of people, from those with specific areas of expertise to those with simply an interest in learning a little more and helping out. Each new committee member will receive an induction and training in how to be an effective committee member.

You mentioned specific areas of expertise – anything in particular?

In addition to general board/committee experience, we’re always looking for people with specific skills or experience in areas of finance, health and safety, law, governance, risk management, high-performance sport, community sport development, logistics, facilities management and competition development.

What about your commitment to diversity?

FWA aims to have diversity in all areas, and measures and reports on areas of board diversity such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, LGBTIQ, cultural and linguistic diversity, age diversity, and geographic diversity (north of the river, south of the river, and regional).

Where are the meetings held?

Given the wide geographic distribution of committee members, and in order to encourage regional representation and minimise time commitments for members, most meetings are held via Microsoft Teams. You will be provided with a Floorball WA Microsoft Office365 login to aid in the management and operation of Floorball WA operations.